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Practical Exercises
How do we say ‘good morning’ in Igbo?
How do we say ‘good evening’ in Igbo?
How do we say ‘safe journey’ in Igbo?
How do we say ‘welcome’ in Igbo?
How do we say ‘thank you’ in Igbo?
How do we say ‘did you sleep well’ in Igbo?
How do we say ‘you are back’ in Igbo?
How do we say ‘Hi’ in Igbo?
How do we say ‘How is work’ in Igbo?
Say the following sentences in Igbo:
How are you?
How is your father?
How is your mother?
How is your sister?
How is your siblings?
Hope you are feeling fine?
Hope your grandfather is doing well?
Greet your grandmother?
Hope your work is going on well?
I am fine.
I am not fine.
My father is not fine.
My mother is doing well.
My grandfather is well.
My grandmother is not doing well.
My siblings are fine.
Greet your father.
Extend my greetings to your father.
It is good.
It is not good.
My child is fine.
Is your work good?
Yes, it is good.